


Diary   2024


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Start of year surf days 2592

January   2024.. Surf sessions end of month. 20 / 20  
Most days  I was using my Paipobards. For prone surfing. I feel very comfortable wuith the boards. They are easy to use, and safe. I am surprised how well the bigger 6 feet x 24  x  4 inch is performing. Even catching waves from just 2 feet
February  2024.. Surf sessions  end of month. 17 / 37
A month using the 6 feet softboard a lot. Surfing some biggish waves as well. Mareta SE swell. I remember this was very difficult with a longboard, because the break is close to the beach. On one occation I broke a board here. With the 6 feet softboard it is a lot easyer.
February had a lot of sunny days.
Marts 2024.. Surf sessions  end of month.  16 /53
A trip to S Torp again. 2 nd trip this year. Surf mainly with 6 ft soft top. I now have 2 of them. I am also trying to surf knee surf boarding.

My friends from Germany came for a visit during Easter. Very nice.

It is clear that nobody never saw befor a surfer using a 6 ft softboard for prone surfing. And people are notising how it perform well in windy messy conditions.
April 2024 .. Surf sessions  end of month. 
May 2024  .. Surf days  end of month.
June  2024.. Surf days  end of month.
July  2024.. Surf days  end of month. 
August  2024.. Surf days  end of month. 

September 2024.. Surf days end of month.
Octobre 2024 Surf sessions  end of month. 17 / 182
November 2024.. Surf sessions  end of month.  .
December 2024.. Surf sessions  end of month /